Sunday, November 15, 2009

Can you genetically splice a beaver and a monkey and what do you think it would taste like?

SURVEY: Baby seal, baboon, or chicken?

Can you genetically splice a beaver and a monkey and what do you think it would taste like?
I've eaten monkey before and it tastes like chicken. Beavers taste different depending on age, the time of the month you eat them and how much you paid for it. A 'Beavonkey' would taste like chicken with a hint of fish.
Reply:Are you serious? It would probably have its own taste and btw, I don't want to know...
Reply:I love beaver and monkey soup!

Baboon, just like my mother-in-law
Reply:Like erected Bouillabaisse.
Reply:Taste like old shoe leather boiled for an hour.

Chicken, I am in a fowl mood
Reply:Is a strong haired Fluffin an option? would be some sort of a pongo beaver..Love, honey
Reply:yes you can and it would taste like a mc donalds hamburger where do you think they get theyre meat from?it isnt cow meat
Reply:It would taste like a female monkey. What else do you expect?

You spelled bonehead retahded fecker wrong again

Reply:It would taste like great big gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, marinated monkey meat and little bloody birdy feet.

Baboon, of course
Reply:chicken flavored baboon
Reply:Indeed, Foo foo has explicit content....

Does that count?

You spelt "I ate a beaver and I am hungry for Chicken Flavoured Baboon wrong"!
Reply:Even more pressing, my wife said that she wanted to eat a rooster tonight (although she used a different word) and I should try out her beaver.

I'm a vegetarian. What should I do?
Reply:You get a hydrophylic mammal with a bad attitude and the fattest, flattest, prehensile tail you've ever seen!

What does it taste like? Chicken. Everything tastes like chicken to me.

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